3 min read

Why Summer is the Best Time to Make a Move

Why Summer is the Best Time to Make a Move
Why Summer is the Best Time to Make a Move

Moving from one place to another isn't easy. Talk about an understatement, right? Well, it's true — packing up everything you own is both time consuming and stressful. Thankfully, there is a window of opportunity that comes each year that makes it easier.

Whether you're relocating for work, family, or just a change of scenery, summer is the ideal time to get it all done. If you have a choice in when you make the move, here are some of the best reasons to try to do it between Memorial Day and Labor Day:

It's between school semesters: Moving, even if it's just across town, can be disruptive for the whole family, but the kids feel it the most. They probably haven't moved nearly as much as you have, so it's easier to make the move when they aren't in school. That way it's a clean break, and they have plenty of time to settle into the new place before the next school year starts.

This is especially true if the move will entail a change of school. The last thing your child will want is to have to get used to a new campus, new teachers, and a new way of doing things once they have their routine down at the existing school. Moving during the summer can also allow them to say a proper good-bye to their friends outside of school.

Predictable weather: There is a reason so many people choose summer to move. Depending on where you are, by summer you're probably past the spring showers, but not quite ready for the ice and snow of the later months. Summer is no stranger to odd weather patterns, it's true, but it does represent a sort of 'sweet spot' for being able to reliably load up all your stuff and ship it to the new destination with the least amount of grief.

It bears mentioning, however, that many places in the United States, particularly in the South, are awfully hot and humid during these months. Just be aware of that in case you're moving from a place with a milder summer to one where it's more intense.

More hours of daylight: Just as no one wants to be moving boxes of dishes in the rain, the sleet, or the snow, you probably don't want to move in the dark, either. If you have to work a full shift at your job, and make preparations in the evenings, you can run out of daylight pretty fast.

Thankfully, moving in the summer provides that critical extra hour or two. At the height of summer, some places don't start getting dark until well after 9:00 p.m. at night. So, when timing is critical, the summer naturally gives you a little more of what you need to get the job done.

Relaxed work schedules: Most people tend to take the bulk of their vacation in the summer months. Since a lot of people are out of the office, many places will go to a summer schedule that is generally a little more loose than normal. They might also give employees a bit of flex time to be able to meet the demands of the job while getting to spend more time with family.

This relaxed schedule can help you if you need to take time to forward your mail, set up utilities at the new place, or fill out important paperwork. Plus, it can just help with your peace of mind. Moving is already a lot to bear, so this can help make the transition that much easier.

Height of the social calendar: Summer is the time for socializing. You don't have to look too far to find any number of cookouts, pool parties, and backyard hangouts going on all around you. Chances are that moving during this time may allow you to get to know your neighbors in a more relaxed social setting to help you mesh with the new community.

Conversely, once you've set up, you can be the one to host a housewarming party or initial get-together to meet the nearest families on your terms. Whether it's a pot-luck or a fully catered affair, breaking proverbial bread with your neighbors is a great way to introduce yourself.

Increased home sellers: While selling your own home may not be an issue, especially in the current seller's market we find ourselves in, finding the right place to move to can be challenging for all the same reasons.

Luckily, summer is when many homeowners choose to sell their homes. Why? Moving is that much easier — for all the reasons we just outlined above! So, you're in good company when it comes to making the move during the summer season.

It's early in that season now, so if you're looking to get into a new place by the summer's end, don't wait to contact us. We're here to help with all your mortgage needs and questions

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